
  • Oksana Lisnichuk


region, development, institutionalism, factors, influence


Ensuring balanced socio-economic development on the basis of purposeful institutional reforms is a priority task for each country and the entire world community. A particular theoretical and practical significance of this problem is in the Ukrainian society, which is experiencing a difficult period of transition to a new system of socio-economic relations, a significant obstacle in the implementation of which is the imperfection of the institutional environment.

There is no doubt that Ukraine is currently experiencing a crisis in the state administration system by regional development, which has already led to the weakening of state power, the loss of part of the territory, the emergence in the state of the foci of armed separatism supported by Russia, the decline of regional development indicators and, in general, , forms tension in society.

The lack of effective forms of state regulation of the economy at the regional level, crisis trends in the development of the regions, poor elaboration of the principles and institutional basis of the territorial organization have become factors that exacerbated disintegration processes in the country and significant polarization in the levels of socio-economic development of the territories. Particularly acute these problems have affected the infrastructure sphere, and the solution to most of the economic problems is due to the active participation of development institutes, as the quality and adequacy of the institutional environment determine the directions, forms, conditions and the very possibility of modernization processes in the economy. Creating an efficient and effective system of development institutes is, in our time, the primary task of the regional authorities and the authorities, in connection with which the actual task is to study the institutional factors for the provision of regional development.

Of course, each region has a different potential and a set of peculiarities, therefore, an important differentiated approach to solving specific socio-economic problems existing in different regions. Rational use of existing regional resources is possible only with full consideration of all economic, political, social, demographic and other features of different regions. This is due to the need to study the conditions and factors of socio-economic development in each region of Ukraine, which is now an urgent task for future research.

