Editorial Team

Editorial Board

Khrystyna Semeryn (Editor in Chief) is a Ukrainian researcher, journalist and writer. She has been a guest researcher at the University of Augsburg (Germany), Indiana University (USA), Northwestern University (USA), and the Center for Eastern Studies (Poland). Her research has been supported by the International Visegrad Fund (Think Visegrad program for experts from Central and Eastern Europe), Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, Indiana University, the Jewish Studies fellowship at Fordham University, Ukraine's President' Scholarship, and Regional Press Development Institute. Her work has been awarded numerous prizes. In relation to geopoetics, her research interests involve representations of space in 20th-century literature, borderlands and liminal zones, local texts, Holocaust memorial sites, public sculpture, and landscapes of the Ukrainian-Russian war. Personal website.

Svitlana Kocherga (Founder) — Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the National University of Ostroh Academy, a renowned Lesya Ukrainka's researcher, and a poet. Author of the books Південний берег Криму в житті і творчості українських письменників ХІХ ст. [Southern coast of the Crimea in life and works of Ukrainian writers of the 19th century] (2005), Культурософія Лесі Українки. Семіотичний аналіз текстів [Lesia Ukrainka's culturosophy. The semiotic analysis of texts] (2010) etc. She teaches the author's course Theory of Literature: Geopoetical Studies (in Ukrainian) at the Ostroh Academy. In the context of geopoetics, Svitlana Kocherga explores the issues of the borderlands, the literary toposphere, and "Crimean," "Italian," and other local texts in Ukrainian literature.


Review Board

Svitlana Kocherga — Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the National University of Ostroh Academy. 

Oksana Pukhonska — Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the National University of Ostroh Academy, a researcher in literary studies, urbanism, and memory studies, and a poet. 

Maksym Karpovets — PhD in Philosophy and Cultural Anthropology, Associate Professor at Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy at the National University of Ostroh Academy, Director of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Management, the author of a book Місто як світ людського буття [City as a World of Human Existence] (2014), and a researcher in urban studies, urban identity, and the world's and Ukrainian literatures.

Oleksandra Visych — Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the National University of Ostroh Academy, a researcher in Literary Theory, Drama Theory, and Lesya Ukrainka's Dramaturgy.   

Viktoria Nazaruk — PhD in Ukrainian Literature, former university teacher at Department of Journalism at the National University of Ostroh Academy, journalist, researcher in ancient Ukrainian literature, social issues in the media, human rights and interreligious dialogues.